Acupuncture and Moxibustion
Acupuncture involves the placing of thin needles in strategic points of the body to affect Qi. In TCM, Qi is understood to flow throughout the body in predictable lines of relationship known as Meridians.
Herbs and Nutrition
Traditional Chinese Medicine possesses the most intricate system of herbal medicine in the world. For thousands of years Chinese doctors have studied and recorded the medicinal effects of herbal combinations. Chinese herbs are most commonly taken internally as a tea or in pill form. Herbs affect the body more strongly than food but not as strong pharmaceuticals. Pharmaceuticals often involve taking a single synthesized active ingredient that is specific to your condition. This has an obvious and near immediate effect but often creates many side effects. Chinese medicinal herbs, on the other hand, involve taking a mixture of active ingredients in plant form that is specific to your constitution. All conditions in chinese medicine have a range of formulas that can treat them. Formulas are tailor made and prescribed based on your specific state of health in order to optimize therapeutic effects and minimize side effects.
Any medical provider in the world will tell you the diet is perhaps the most important aspect of health. In TCM, ordinary foods and cooking methods are categorized according to standard TCM principles. Nutritional advice is often a part of treatment and allows the patient to take an active role in the healing process. Patients are often pleasantly surprised at the suggestions given by their practitioner. In no way does TCM consider salad three times a day to be a healthy diet. Being well fed and satisfied is vitally important to health.
Physical Manipulation
Physical manipulation encompasses a range of manipulations directed towards correcting posture. Tuina, partner assisted stretches, range of motion exercises and the like are all used to open the joints and loosen the muscles. When used in concert with acupuncture & moxibustion therapeutic change is quickly achieved, pain disappears and performance enhances.
Qi Gong
Qi Gong (Qi Work) is the modern term for a host of traditional exercises focused on the breath. Medical Qi Gong exercises are most often prescribed in cases involving psycho-emotional distress; anxiety and insomnia for instance are two such conditions that respond maximally. Akin to meditation and yoga, Qi Gong exercises are sometimes practiced sitting, moving or in stationary postures and contain simple cues that help to focus the mind and breath.